Our Blog

If you believe you may be suffering from anxiety, it’s important to pay special attention to your thoughts and body. Anxiety shows …

What is anxiety?

In its simplest form, anxiety is described as an emotional and psychological state characterized by feelings of nervousness, worry, and unease. Sometimes …

Online Therapy and CBT

Can CBT be effectively utilized in an online setting? The answer sure looks like a resounding YES!

Over the last few years, online therapy – also referred to as teletherapy - has developed into an effective tool in the field of mental health care.

CBT can help with Anxiety

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has emerged as a leading treatment for anxiety disorders.

College is a time of change, growth, and – hopefully – fun. But it also brings with it a range of mental health challenges that students may need to face.

Seek Professional Help: The first step – and most important step – is to seek professional help from a mental health professional. …

Experiencing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be thought of as embarking on a journey of self-discovery and transformative change. The process of …

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an effective and versatile therapeutic approach. But just what types of mental health conditions can it help …

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – commonly referred to as CBT – is a cornerstone of modern psychotherapy. It is widely supported and acclaimed …

When anxiety flairs up, it’s natural for us to seek ways to cope. Unfortunately, some of the approaches we turn to are actually counterproductive and detrimental to our well-being.

Alcohol is no stranger to college campuses. Many students turn to alcohol as a means of socialization and relaxation.

CBT and Anxiety

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is widely considered to be an effective and versatile form of psychotherapy. CBT offers a practical goal-oriented approach to treating a wide range of mental health conditions.

Anxiety is a very common mental health issue affecting most of us to different degrees. While anxiety is oftentimes a natural response to stress, too much anxiety can negatively impact our quality of life. A little self-care can go a long way when it comes to keep anxiety in check.

Depression is real. It’s challenging, almost impossible, for those of us not suffering from it to fully understand what it’s like. At the same time, we want to help our loved ones as best we’re able. And we want to say the right things.  With that in mind, here are a few thoughts on ‘what not to say’.

Anxiety is a common and often underestimated mental health issue. Anxiety can significantly affect various aspects of life, including relationships, and intimacy. And, while perhaps not immediately evident, anxiety can cast a long shadow over your sex life, creating unwanted barriers to physical and emotional connection.

“I’m depressed”. We’ve all heard someone say it. We’ve probably said it ourselves. Depression is a serious matter, so we can’t dismiss …

Depression is a deeply personal matter. For those that are suffering from it, it’s normal to ask questions such as ‘how long …

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has gained immense popularity in recent years as a highly effective form of therapy.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is widely considered to be an effective and versatile form of psychotherapy.

College is a transformative time in life. No duh, right? Students are dealing with academics, personal changes, financial issues, new relationships, and new responsibilities. But which year would you say is the most stressful?

CBT – An introduction

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that provides individuals with practical tools and strategies to address their challenges and achieve lasting positive change.

Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental health disorders. While they can coexist, they are very different and it is important to recognize the unique characteristics and experiences associated with each other.

College is a time of transition for young adults. Along with the excitement and adventure of new experiences come a variety of health challenges.

Meditation has been used for centuries to promote well-being … mental, emotional, and physical. More recently, meditation is being used as a tool to treat depression.

For some college students, the pressure and demands of college life can lead to depression, a serious mental health condition that affects millions of people each year.

The best years of our life also come with their fair share of ups and downs. Here are a few fun tips …

It’s supposed to be fun, isn’t it? Learning and hanging out with friends. That little nirvana between high school and the real world. …

College is a time of transition and growth, but it can also be a time of significant stress and anxiety. Let’s talk …

People can feel shame over many things in their lives … both in the past and present. Perhaps you feel shame about …

Being emotional is a part of life. And even though emotions are a natural part of being human they sometimes get in the way of having a healthy and happy existence.

A young adult participating in therapy has a lot on their plate. Not only are they dealing with the issues that landed them there, but they are allowing themselves to be completely vulnerable to a stranger.

Topic – How to talk to parents about therapy How to talk to parents about therapy is not always something that comes …

It is estimated that 20 million adults in America have had at least one major episode of depression. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/major-depression . It stands to reason that millions of Americans are in loving relationships with these partners that suffer from depression. And, because we love them, we want to help them. But how?

By now, we’ve all heard that COVID-19 has had a massive effect on the population’s mental health. “In the first year of …

Anxiety. We all have it from time to time. And, according to the ADAA, anxiety is the most common mental illness in …

Waiting. Nobody likes to wait. And when it comes to mental health, nobody should really have to wait. Even before the pandemic …

Everything seems like an emergency these days. Yet, when it comes to our young adults, we always need to pay special attention. And it sure does feel that the struggle with anxiety and depression-related issues is real.

What’s the difference between being depressed and being burnt out? How can you tell and does it even matter?

The quarterlife crisis is real and it’s no wonder that feeling frazzled, anxious, and overwhelmed is on the rise, regardless of age range.

The popularity of the ancient practice of meditation continues to rise in the western world. It seems that we can’t check out …

Not too long ago, receiving health care through a screen seemed a bit farfetched. That goes to both mental and physical healthcare. …

An exciting new-and-improved national mental health emergency hotline is now live across the U.S. What is it? 988 is the new Mental …

Dwayne The Rock Johnson was a guest on a late-night talk show. The host, looking to provide a good laugh to all …

Imagining a Better Life

Our lives are filled with a series of events; one after another. Blissful events, tragic events, and everything in between. When those …

Having anxiety is natural. All of us get anxiety sometimes, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of. However, anxiety can sometimes lead …

A few weeks ago, you chose a goal for yourself. Maybe you wanted to get back in shape, or save more money, …


Many people struggle with their ability to be assertive. Assertiveness is simply communicating your wants/needs in a direct and respectful way. It’s …

Since Halloween is this month, I thought the topic of treating fear would be appropriate. We as humans are hard wired to …

Back to School

It’s that time already. Students are heading back to class. For many, heading back to school is unpleasant. The experience can increase …


“I can’t make a mistake!” It’s a statement we hear quite a bit in our practice. Many people struggle with the intense …

Worst-Case Thinking

When we are faced with a stressor, it’s really common for our brains to assume that the worst-case scenario is going to …

For decades we have either chosen or been recommended work based on our interests. Many career assessments attempt to assign a specific …

Behavior Activation

Behavior activation is a concept that comes from Cognitive-Behavior Therapy and is well supported by research. We implement behavior activation when depression …

We are all prone to making the mistake of thinking in either-or terms, but this trap becomes especially likely if we are …

Mindfulness Practices

Mindfulness continues to gain popularity as an effective tactic to treat depression and anxiety. In this month’s blog, I outline some specific …

Security in Relationships

In honor of Valentine’s day, I wanted this blog to cover an important concept regarding romantic relationships: Adult Attachment. There is a …

Do an internet search for New Year’s Resolution memes and you’ll be met with a bevy of cynicism, lambasting people for failing …

The Problem With Venting

Often times, when people think of the benefits of seeing a therapist they assume that the purpose is to work through emotion or, in …

When thinking about gratitude, many would define it as appreciating what you have. This is a valuable concept that I can readily …

In addressing depression and anxiety, it has been consistently shown that how we think and what we believe can highly influence our emotions and …

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a counseling framework that is being utilized more and more by clinicians to treat a variety of …


Telehealth is getting a lot of attention right now as Coronavirus has affected how medical services are provided. This blog will focus …

It’s a strange time we’re living in. For most of 2020, we’ve been dealing with Coronavirus and the adverse effects it’s been …

The process of starting therapy can be daunting, and a major part of the stress is selecting a good therapist. It can …

Mindful Breathing

“Just breathe.” We hear this expression a lot, especially when we’re worked up. But why do we encourage breathing to calm down? …

“Unprecedented,” “Scary,” “Overwhelming,” “Surreal,” “Uncertain,” and “Stressful.” These are the words used most commonly by my clients to describe the impact of …

Cognitive Distortions

The main therapeutic approach we use at Evolve Counseling Services is Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT). If you need a quick introduction to this …

Relationship Killers

In honor of Valentine’s day, I thought devoting a blog to relationships would be in order. It’s important to know what you …

Therapy and Men

Our therapist, Ben has extensive experience working with men from adolescence to later adulthood. He has developed a specialization in Men’s Issues that …

Holiday Stress

This time of year can be tricky. It’s been labeled “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” but for a lot of …

Grief in a Nutshell

Coincidentally, many of my clients have been dealing with grief recently. This prompted me to learn more about it, so I picked …

Good Sleep Practices

We all know sleep is important, but it’s especially important for good mental health. There is a wealth of research that indicates …


Change is all around us. It happens constantly. The Evolve Counseling Services office is moving locations this month, and this transition got …

There are numerous theoretical orientations counselors can use to guide therapy. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidenced-based orientation that has been shown …

Am I Depressed?

Many people experience clinical depression. In fact, recent studies have shown about 20% of the population in the United States will experience …

What’s Mindfulness?

Mindfulness has been gaining attention as this topic is researched further, and the benefits continue to accumulate. Most people have heard the …

Anxiety is unpleasant. It nags at us, gets in the way, and can disrupt life to varying degrees. Understanding anxiety can be …

Many of my clients seek counseling after a breakup. Let’s face it…breakups can be devastating and leave you feeling like a different …