Therapy for Anxiety

“It’s all the time. I’m overthinking and in my head. I just want it to stop.”

Therapy for Anxiety

Your mind won’t shut off. It’s an unending barrage of thoughts that won’t stop. You feel restless and on edge most of the time. You can’t relax. You can’t focus. You become so overwhelmed with the thoughts that you feel frozen in place. You focus on the worst-case scenario. Your sleep is disrupted. Your stomach hurts. Your head hurts. Maybe you’ve even had a panic attack. People around you tell you to calm down, and as much as you want to, you can’t. You feel out of control … as if your anxiety is in the driver’s seat and you’re along for the ride.

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults (19.1% of the population) age 18 and older every year. (Source: ADAA)

“I’m constantly nervous about what could happen.”

Unfortunately, the experience of anxiety is common in our ever-busy lives. It can feel insurmountable as its presence becomes larger and larger.

So what’s to be done about it?

Therapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for anxiety. Our goal is to impart tools our clients can take with them to become their own therapist and feel confident in managing symptoms independently. We want our clients to feel empowered and in control of their anxiety. At our practice, we provide a professional atmosphere. Information about treatment is given in an organized and logical manner. We employ strategies that are immediately useful and supported by research to help clients achieve a positive outcome. For more information on the specific techniques we use, please visit the The Advantages of CBT page.

“I just want to feel calm and not let stress be the focus of my life.”

Anxiety is treatable. We help clients overcome their anxious thoughts and lessen the role anxiety plays in their lives. We work with them to remove the persistent “what if” thinking that fuels worry and stress. They develop a healthier mindset and healthier behaviors to conquer their anxiety and reduce its presence.

Types of Anxiety that Lindsey and Ben specialize in:

Generalized Anxiety

Persistent worries about numerous areas of your life.

Social Anxiety

Consistently being nervous when in the presence of others.

Panic Attacks

An intense surge of physical and mental symptoms that usually last between 5-15 minutes


Repetitive behaviors to help deal with repetitive thoughts and urges.

Harm OCD

Intrusive thoughts about harming yourself or others.


Unreasonable fears of a specific situation or object.


Anxiety about making a mistake, being mediocre, or having flaws be on display.